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About the Journal

Water Resources and Irrigation Management is a quarterly journal for publication of articles and scientific papers, edited by the Soil and Water Engineering Group of Center of Agricultural, Environmental and Biological Sciences of Federal University of Recôncavo of Bahia. The main objective is to publish articles and scientific papers containing original research results contributing towards the scientific development of Soil and Water Engineering and Water Resources and related areas, at both national and international levels. Articles describing the current status of a specific topic from invited researchers may also be published as State of the Art.


Soil and Water Engineering Group

The Water Resources and Irrigation Management is published by the Soil and Water Engineering Group with the support of the Graduate Program on Agricultural Engineering (MSc and PhD) of the Federal University of Recôncavo of Bahia, Brazil. The Graduate Program has been recently authorized by the Brazilian Ministry of Education through the Agency for Higher Education (CAPES) and has the support of funding agencies from the State of Bahia and from the Federal Government.

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